
Spring 2025 Volunteer Policy

Warrior Lacrosse runs on volunteers and functions only through the efforts of our
member/parent volunteers. Every family plays a role in making our season a success.
The volunteer hour requirement for the 2025 season is eight (8) hours for one player. For
families with multiple players, the volunteer requirement is ten (10) hours for the household.
Alternatively, a family may opt to “buy-out” their volunteer hours at the beginning of the
season for $250 for one player or $275 for multiple players.  If chosen, no volunteer hours will
be required from that family for the season.

If you do not choose the buyout or complete the required hours (8 hours for one player, 10
hours for multiple players) by the last game of the season, the credit card used for
registration will be charged $250 or $275 respectively.  There is no proration of completed hours.
Some families fulfill their requirements by doing full-year or full-season jobs (Board Members,
Directors, Coaches, Equipment or Team Managers). The rest of our families work at the games
or club events in a wide range of positions to fulfill their volunteer requirement

including but not limited to:
Head coach:  Coaches the team the entire season. Training and support is provided.
Assistant coach:  Assists the Head Coach the entire season. Training and support is provided.
Team Manager:  Supports the coach in managing TeamSnap, team communications and guiding parent volunteers. Training is provided.

Score table and game day jobs:  These jobs are specifically related to game days.
Examples are field set up and take down, sideline manager, scorekeeper, timer, spotter, or equipment return.
Club events: Assist in club wide events selling apparel, organizing vendors, working
concession booths, set up and take down, and other tasks to run successful events.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. It is the volunteer’s responsibility to sign in with
your team manager for your shift or your hours will not count. If it is not possible to check in
with your team manager for some reason, please email
executivedirector@diablovalleylacrosse.com and copy your team manager to claim your hours.
More information is available on the website at: https://diablovalleylacrosse.com/volunteers/.
Please feel free to contact executivedirector@diablovalleylacrosse.com with any questions.

Club Level Volunteer Positions

Team Manager 
You are the primary coordinator for team the team, supporting the coaches and all they do. You'll be in charge of team parent communication, practice and game scheduling updates, field usage reporting, etc. Additionally you'll need to recruit other team parents for key tasks and fill in where necessary. You'll need to report to the Executive Director any field usage and issues as nessary.

Boys Game Scheduler
You'll be responsible for scheduling games for the boys teams following NCJLA guidelines.  Schedulers will receive training and must be available for the league level scheduling meeting, and will work with the boys director to plan out all games annually.

Girls Game Scheduler
You'll be responsible for scheduling games for the girls teams following NCJLA guidelines.  Schedulers will receive training and must be available for the league level scheduling meeting, and will work with the girls director to plan out all games annually.

Equipment Manager
Lacrosse is dependent on alot of equipment, and this volunteer role is a key member of the club. You will be responsible for the club equipment locker and distribution to coaches and fields throughout the season. You will need to coordinate with the first team scheduled to play on home game days, and they will be responsible for picking up the game day equipment from our storage unit and setting up the equipment ( pop-up tent, table, folding chairs, games day box etc…).  The last team scheduled to play will be responsible for breaking down the equipment and delivering it back to the storage unit, and you'll need to coordinate everything getting back accordingly.  As such you're responsible for coordinating pick-up and drop-off times with the Field Equipment Coordinators and coaches as necessary.  Access to a SUV, truck, or van is ideal for this position.

Club day committee

End of Year Party coordinator
Organizes the year end party for each team. A season well played is always worth celebrating.
Game-day role, you're in charge of the gameclock and timer, working alongside the scorekeeper and officials.
We have online tutoring for this job.
Equipment person for team
You are in charge of either picking up or dropping off the gameday equipment from the warrior storage before or after your game. This will require a bigger size car or truck that can handle a tent, fold up table, chairs, and a game day box.
Score keeper
Game-day role, you're in charge of keeping score with our official scorecards of the game, coordinating with the time keeper and officials.
We have online tutoring for this job.
Field Marshall at games
Your role is to maintain a positive and sportsmanlike environment around the playing field, including both sidelines. The officials will handle on-field sportsmanship issues.